Monday, August 23, 2010

Running Through History

Susanne and I hamming it up at the Lincoln Memorial

One of the great things about living in the Washington, DC area is being able to train on the National Mall. And, one of the great things about triathlon, is all the great people that I have met. Those two facts coincided yesterday as I did a "fun" run on the National Mall with Susanne Navas and Travis Seindehl. Susanne is a really great person who I met at Timberman 2007. We've been friends ever since, though she lives in Connecticut. She is training for Ironman Cozumel 2010. Travis just got married last month and is doing Ironman Lake Placid 2011. So, we'll be doing a lot training together.

We ran on a cloudy, humid Sunday morning from the Botanical Gardens to the Lincoln Memorial and back. It was a fun run as Susanne was only in town for the weekend and she wanted to stop and take some photos. As I needed a "rest" day, I was alright with that.

Run Statistics...

Started at 9 am
~5 miles
1:01:53 total time... stopped four times for photos ops
Average HR 127

Today... I am hitting the gym to do a Paul Timmons inspired lifting routine. I'm really looking forward to it. I am also going to try and get in the pool as Paul has called attention to my lack of swim workouts.

Travis and I trying to look tough

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