Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trust the Taper

Half Full Triathlon... Sunday, October 3. It's been a mad rush to get prepared since August 6. Training this summer was interrupted by the bike accident... but I think I've done the things I need to do in order to get ready.

So, taper this week... here is what is on the schedule...

Mon off

Tues 3 x 500 swim all hard allow 2 mins between each / hard 3 mile run

Wed 60 mins bike 20 plus miles

Thurs easy 30 min run

Fri easy 30 min swim

Sat off

Sun BUST IT!!!

General rule for the taper, maintain intensity / reduce volume. Eat a bit more carbs, but don't use it as an excuse to stuff yourself (this will be hard for me). Normal eating and reduced training will tap off the stores.

UPDATE... 9:47 pm...

Just did the swim and run.

I got in the pool at LA Fitness at 8:20 pm. Swim was 3 x 500m with a minute rest in between. Here are the splits.

HR 122

HR 127

HR 128

Looking at the avg HR... I probably could have swum harder.

Run route was from the LA Fitness. Dark outside so I had some blinking lights on me and reflectors, too. Started running at 8:56 pm.

28:58 run time
3.42 miles
8:28 minute miles
AVG HR 145
MAX HR 158

I was dying all day to find a spot in the schedule to get the workout in. I'm glad that I got it done.

1 comment:

  1. I love the trust the taper blog posts.

